The CLAIRS Explained!
Welcome back to my blog - as usual, right after I upload the youtube video, I post my script here in written form for anyone who prefers to read it instead of watching or is hard of hearing, or English is not your first language and may benefit from a translator app. Thank you for watching & reading :). When speaking, since English is not my first language, I get caught up in some grammar stuff, which doesn’t happen in the writing format, which is why I was much more comfortable writing, but I’m taking small steps to move forward, so thanks again for the support ;)
Welcome back to Athena’s Garden, I’m your host Liz. On this channel we talk about various topics, Lifestyle, Arts and Cats, and the intersectionality of Spirituality, Science and Creativity and if these topics interest you, I hope you will like and subscribe and stick around!
Today I want to talk about the various types of Clairs, and most importantly, how easy and natural it is to tune into it and incorporate it in your daily life, if you want to, that is. To start, the etymology of the word Clair as seen in 4 main ones: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairsentience comes from “Clear”- so Clairvoyance is clear in ‘seeing/vision’, Clairaudience is clear hearing, Claircognizance is clear knowing, Clairsentience is clear sensing (physical, emotional). Some literature separates clairsentience with clairempathy but I personally don’t think it’s a necessary distinction because clairsentience it’s all about the Senses which includes both physical and emotional. Additionally to the 4 major ones, there is also Clairgustance, clear tasting, Clairsalience, clear smelling, and clairtangency, clear touching.
I do believe that humans are designed to have access to the clairs, it’s just whether we want to practice or tap into it, if you are ready for your spiritual awakening, and the only requirement is to be open to accepting your body’s unique way of receiving information. Some people can have all of them about the same amount, some people can have one being stronger than the others, and practicing that one will open up the other ones.
Let’s talk about the 4 major ones starting with Clairvoyance, the most common one associated with people with psychic ability, which is the ability to see beyond what your eyes and other ordinary senses can perceive through your inner or third eye. People who have clairvoyance may have visions, in images, symbols, or even like a movie, may have vivid dreams, may see colors or auras, like Reiki practitioners often see colors or have visions when the client walks in, or upon touching the client (clairtangency) will receive information. They may be able to see spirits and deities, angels, multidimensional beings more easily than others. Clairvoyance is associated with the 3rd eye or 6th Chakra.
Next we have Clairaudience which I think is fairly straightforward, receiving information through Sound - hearing sounds, messages, direct words or music other people can’t hear. People report the sound being direct, short, maybe even poeticI would say that people with this one have excellent hearing, maybe even perfect or absolute pitch for music and tones. Clairaudience is linked with the 5th or Throat Chakra. What is also linked to the Throat Chakra is Clairgustance and clairalience, clear taste and clear smell and I want to mention these together because it’s again, related to your 5 senses. For Clairgustance, people can receive information by tasting something - think about Chefs and your traditional medicine people, alchemist, or how plant medicine was discovered and used, farmers and explorers who explore new flavors - by tasting it they can intuitively know what it is used for, or if an energy passes by, they can perceive what it is by suddenly tasting a flavor. For clairalience, information comes with a scent that others won’t be able to perceive, whether it’s used together with clairgustance, or for example, one can suddenly smell a floral scent or a woodsy tree sap scent, or rotten smell, it can be used to identify entities.
Clairsentience, as mentioned in the intro, is receiving messages and downloads through the senses, and it could be physically or emotionally. Linked with the 4th or Heart Chakra, but also the Solar Plexus or the 3rd Chakra - that “gut” feeling. Another example of this is being able to feel the energy of the room, or tapping into the emotions through your senses. Sometimes you may feel physical symptoms that are symbolic to the person you are interacting with - ie: suddenly feel pain in the throat, and it’s the other person’s throat chakra blockage, or suddenly pick up a lot of anxiety, when you don’t have anything to feel anxious about. As strong empaths, clairsentient people may have to spend time separating or interpreting the physical or emotional symptoms.
The last of the 4 major Clairs is Claircognizance, which is “sudden knowing” - you would just intrinsically receive the information downloaded directly to your brain in a matter of a few milliseconds, and it may even come across as your own thoughts, which can be confusing if you don’t realize you are claircognizant. It is associated with the 7th or Crown Chakra, or telepathy - delivery messages with your mind.
A special mention for Clairtangency, also known as Psychometry, it’s the ability to receive information via touch, or interacting with physical space. Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists, Estheticians, Massage Therapist, Doctors/Nurses, Chiropractors + Acupuncturists - it is handy to have Clairtangency as it can enhance your healing practice. They might be great Detectives - since they can pick up energy at scenes in the crime, forensics etc. People who have this may not feel comfortable sleeping in someone else’s bed or being in people’s houses for a long time, as they pick up energies that are not theirs and may have trouble sleeping. They may avoid touching others, or feel the need to wash their hands and shower to wash off other people’s energy that they can easily pick up.
The first psychic ability I remember having was astral projecting in my out-of-body experience at age 3, but regarding the Clairs (get back to topic Liz!) also at age 3, my big sister who has already been studying music for 6-7 years, identified me as having a perfect pitch. I didn’t know it then, but studying music, playing the piano and the harp, was an active meditation of not just clairaudience, but clairtangency and clairsentience - when you are playing the notes, you are practicing understanding the composer’s emotions and expressions, and practicing your throat chakra by communicating the sentiment. My next experience I recall having, still at age 3, was clairvoyance. I do recall seeing otherworldly beings, um…ghosts. But I also saw Jesus, Mary and Angels. When you are a young child, your connection to the other side, your higher self or multidimensional self, is stronger, and if you continue to nurture those gifts, you can continue having them. Some people don’t have to have a full spiritual awakening, because they never went to sleep in the Matrix so…! I first recall experiencing Claircognizance around age 6; I was going to music theory class - music education was free in Costa Rica by the way; I didn’t speak much spanish, as Mandarin and English was my main language, I guess music and visual arts would be the next, so the first day of the class I was really nervous since I didn’t know anyone and was too nervous to speak spanish, and a lovely girl came into the room, I’ve never met her as we didn’t have other music classes together, and suddenly, a thought came to my mind, “her name is Marcella,” and another classmate called her name Marcella. I remember feeling shocked that her name was what came to my brain, just by looking at her. In my daily life, sometimes I would think of someone, and they would call me, or I would call my friend, and they said I was literally just thinking about you. I would know things sometimes, and I can’t explain how I know, because nobody told me. Recognizing clairsentience for myself came much later, maybe a tween (like 10-12) - maybe it comes with the territory of being a teenager and having a lot of emotions, and being empathic. Clairsentience is all about the gut feeling as well - so if you’ve ever feel like something doesn’t sit right with you, or “I have a gut feeling” that’s your clairsentience in action as well.Fast forward to when I went to Aveda Institute for Esthiology (Skin Care) at age 22, that’s where I did feel like I had a little bit of clairtangency; since Aveda is based on Ayurveda, I was also learning about all of the chakras, aromatherapy, touch/massage therapy, food therapy - it was really coming together for me at the time. All in all, it wasn’t until last year, at age 36, did I fully understand that my strongest one is actually claircognizance. It does make a lot of sense after all, as I am prone to more logical analysis; a friend who described my aura saw a lot of lavender (crown chakra). Once I knew that, I can use it to open up the other clairs for me. I used to think as a visual artist, I’d be more clairvoyant, but actually for me my clairvoyance only happens in dreams and also, if someone is talking to me, or I’m reading something, through the vibration of the words, it can activate my clairvoyance through listening to the words and using my claircognizance to know if it’s the truth. Most of the time they work together - for example - as a teenager in highschool, I can always know if someone is lying to me or talking behind my back. I don’t have proof of it, but I swear if they are talking to me, while it’s unrelated to what they are saying to me, I can “hear” it supernaturally, that this person is not being truthful. Clairalience - I always had a good sense of smell, and in first grade if someone lost their sweater, I can take a whiff and identify whose sweater it is - the caveat is they have to be my friend haha! Clairsalience only came to me as a young adult, where I have smelled flower scents and woodsy scents - that’s when my family psychic friend comes to visit me astrally, sometimes she will let me know that she stopped by by leaving me a very faint trail of floral or woodsy scent that only I can smell.
I’m sharing my personal examples here again in great detail not to show off, like oooohhh look at all my clairs…! I am sharing because I want to illustrate that it’s not that mysterious; the clairs happened to me organically, without anyone telling me what they are, before Google and Youtube and this information was readily accessible. I just noticed them one by one, being human doing human things. It really is not hard to incorporate the clairs in your daily life - you just have to begin to tune into yourself, to your senses and the ones that are available to you, and maybe consider thinking about your chakras, and play around with it to see how that feels when you tune in. It can be as easy as taking just 3 deep breaths, when you envision pulling up your energy field from the Root Chakra, up through your body and all the way to your crown chakra, and back down when you are taking those deep breaths. It can be as easy, as singing a scale - and boom, you opened up your energy field, and are open to receiving. Maybe it’s colors - using colors and visualizations, painting, drawing sacred geometry, calligraphy, being in creative flow doing something you like. I will share that for those that have their soul blueprint as animals, you may have stronger senses to begin with, and perhaps this comes easily for you as well!
One way to find out about your clairs in addition to exploring in your daily life, is of course, looking into your Akashic Records! :) I do offer readings and would be thrilled to help you on your journey - also I have a discord community where it’s a safe space to share your journey and see what other people are going through!
I was a little intimidated when I did a search about the Clairs on youtube to see if there were other videos - like wow - there are a lot of videos already out there, but I just thought to myself, that other creators on the topic may have a different spin on the same topic, and since I was called to make this video, yes, following that gut feeling, so that’s Claircognizant combined with clairsentience, I thought I’d just do it anyways because Rome is not built in a day, a community is not built in a day, so I’m just doing this, step by step, making videos one at a time, working towards my overall goal for Athena’s Garden TV and seeing what resonates, and hopefully a few people may find my take interesting and helpful!
Thank you so much for watching! Please do let me know in the comments what was interesting to you, what clairs do you incorporate in your daily life, and how it may have happened for you!! Until next time! Byeeee!