Terms & Conditions


This Terms & Conditions page serves as an Agreement made today between Liz Chang of Athena’s Garden TV (“Liz”) who is providing consulting, teaching & Akashic Records Reading services and you (“You” or “Client” or “Viewer” or “Community Member”). This Agreement is effective as of the date you click submit a form here on the website or via Google Forms (the “Effective Date”) to request a reading, and it is also effective when you browse the content (videos, writing, images, community engagement, forums) on Athena’s Garden TV.


All content on this website (videos, images, blog, writing, Instagram posts, Discord community & Youtube, workshop, courses, PDFs etc) produced by Liz/Athena’s Garden TV is meant to be a resource for self-improvement, education, and entertainment purposes; You are ultimately responsible for your own life, health, well-being and actions.  By using and consuming my content, you agree to release Liz/Athena’s Garden TV and any of her affiliates all liability in perpetuity for any damages. Working in the Akashic Records or any self-growth work requires the Client to take responsibility for their own destiny, growth, and healing. In no event shall Liz be liable under this agreement to any Viewer/Community Member or Client or any other third party for consequential, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or enhanced damages, arising out of, relating to, or in connection with consuming and interacting content produced by Athena’s Garden TV.


The information you provide during a session with me is confidential and you have the right to privacy. Your email will not automatically be added to any email list. Please note that I provide an audio recording as part of the reading, as it is a way for you to maximize the reading by relistening to it, and you agree to be recorded for that purpose.


  1. Fill out the “Booking/Inquiry Form”

  2. Fill out the Consent Form(s) & Questionnaire for your reading (this is a Google Form that will be sent to you via Email). Please also read the Terms & Conditions at this phase. Once I confirm I can access your Akashic Records, you will receive an online invoice and will be offered a tender choice of ACH or Credit Card - payment must be paid in full in USD before I perform the first phase of the reading or start the course(s).

  3. For readings, I will perform the reading based on your questionnaire at the earliest possible time, and when I am complete, I will email you to schedule a live video or voice call for our Joint Reading Session. For all services please kindly review the appointment details.

  4. I will follow up via email and send you a download link to download the audio recording of our session and will send any supplementary information, if applicable, via email. The reading will then be complete and you are ready to continue on your journey armed with the knowledge your Akashic Record Guides provided to support you now.

*You must be over 18 years old to book an Akashic Records Reading.


  1. Choose the session and package you want

  2. Go to the Booking Page and request your booking and you can pay through the the same portal via Stripe. Once your appointment is accepted, a Consent Form & Questionnaire for your healing session via Google Forms will be sent to you via Email. You will be prompted to review my Terms & Conditions.

  3. You can reschedule or cancel 48 hours before your appointment. There will be a email reminder 50 hours before our appointment to give you a chance to reschedule or cancel if you need to. Please be mindful that if you cancel, the system will still charge me a processing fee, but there is no charge for either party for rescheduling. Failure to cancel or reschedule will be consider a “no-show” and no refunds will be processed.

  4. If you decide to book a session of 3 or 5, you are paying at once, and I will email you a personalized discount code that you can input to book the remaining sessions for your package.


For all appointments, if you cannot make your appointment and would like to reschedule, I need at least 48-hour notice for the reschedule or cancellation. For Akashic Records {Joint Session} Reading, if you do not show up at the time of your appointment (a “no show”), I will proceed to complete the reading by sending you an audio recording so you can listen to it when your schedule permits and the reading will be considered complete and fulfilled. If you wish to ask follow-up questions live, we can schedule an additional “Soul Guidance” session 6 months after the first reading completion. No refunds will be given for no-shows, as I have already performed the reading and completed the service. If you change your mind before I have performed the first part of the reading and you no longer wish to have a session with me, I will refund your payment minus any online payment processing fees. If I have already performed the first part of the reading and at that point, you decide to cancel and no longer wish to receive the audio recording, no refunds will be given, as energy has already been exchanged. For a “no show” in a Healing Sessions or any 1:1 sessions, no refunds will be given.


All content found on Athena’s Garden TV across all social media platforms are original content produced by Liz Chang, unless otherwise stated, and is subject to copyright protection.  Content and Materials include but not limited to: writing, audio recordings, videos, images, blog, Instagram posts, Discord community posts & Youtube, workshop, courses, PDFs.  Liz has worked in the fashion/beauty industry since 2009 and has participated in the production and creation of original images and art work; I have permission to use them here. For all photographs not taken by Liz, the original photographers retain their rights and all images will be cited and credited. These images cannot be used without the original photographer’s consent. Any non-original materials incorporated here including but not limited to: stock photos, videos, sound effects, and music, are obtained from free or royalty-free sites or paid for via licensing service providers. Content and Materials are intended for community users and any unauthorized retention, duplication, distribution, or modification of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited by law, considered as intellectual property infringement and plagiarism.  If you wish to repost, reprint, republish, or use my original materials/content, please kindly obtain my written consent and credit me properly.


I am an artist, creative entrepreneur, consultant, and Akashic Records Reader and Spiritual Teacher with the intention to help others and uplift them to live their best lives through my creative work. While working with the Akashic Records, meditation, and energy healing are considered a type of healing modality, it cannot be substituted for other medical treatments. You - the Client/Viewer/Community Member - acknowledge that Liz/Athena’s Garden TV is not a healthcare or medical provider and do not claim to heal or cure any physical or psychological condition or illnesses.