What is a Starseed & why is it important for us to know our Soul Origins
Hello! I am back with a new video and you can watch the content or you can read it here!
Before I begin, I just want to say, with anything you watch or read, not just here but also elsewhere, if this information resonates with you, keep watching / keep reading, and if it doesn’t, that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their own set of belief systems and to live their best life according to their own reality. Of course when I make a video, I would hope I am providing a useful perspective, but I want to make sure to emphasize that at all times you must exercise your own sovereignty and discernment, and that’s what Athena’s Garden is all about - nurturing and supporting each other, to be more conscientious, in all aspect of your life! With that said, let’s get started!
We are all made of stardust, or the same matter of a star: carbon, calcium, oxygen, hydrogen, sodium etc. So is it that strange to think that our souls may come from elsewhere as well? Starseeds are souls that come from other places, planets and galaxies, who chose to incarnate here on Earth. Before we continue, we have to establish that this is a reality where reincarnation exist, and when you pass, your soul comes back in a different form maybe here on earth, or elsewhere. You may see the word Starseed, and wonder if it’s some New Age mumbo jumbo, but actually, it is a different frame of reference to describe something that has always existed. Usually, but not always, starseeds are higher dimensional beings - previously we would refer to these souls and beings Angels or Angelic souls, Ascended Masters, and in Buddhism, Bodhisattvas, or the spiritually awakened and enlightened ones, who are driven by compassion, and choose to reincarnate here in order to uplift others on earth, and help Mother Gaia. Or maybe they choose to incarnate here to experience or learn something new, or have a special mission. In ancient China, there are written records of - let’s say, oddities, inexplicable things that seem anachronistic and technology that don’t fit with the times - Chinese people had recorded these events down even though they couldn’t explain it. If the entity was divine, helpful to humanity, we referred them to as 天人, or Sky People - so like in the same realm as angels, in the West. If they were kind of weird/scary looking, monsters, or like the Greys, or descended/deformed humanoids, we just called them “妖魔鬼怪” - monsters & demons. The positive starseeds, whom I also refer to as Lightworkers, are here mostly to raise the collective consciousness, raise the vibration, spread love and kindness all around. These starseeds are volunteers - they chose to be here, and there are also Schools & Universities with the Earth/Gaia Starseed program, think of it like a Study Abroad. Many starseeds know why they are here on earth and have a clear mission and vision for their lifetime here. I found this to be particularly true in my experience doing client akashic record readings. When I do readings, I go in to their Akashic records to read it first, and then we have our session together, so I already wrote down on my notes what I saw what their life purpose or reason for incarnating was, and I was always so curious if they knew why they are here, and I’m amazed when it’s an exact match. While I’m not surprised, it’s still pretty awesome to see that. I first learned this from my mentor, Cosmic Empress, but I also checked this in Akashic Records before recording this video. Currently about 47% of people are starseeds. Oh yes - by the way Humans are an angelic form, so sometimes souls that originate on earth are referred to as Earth Angels.
Earth/Gaia is a unique place. As you may have noticed, Earth exists in duality in all sense of the word. The Yin & Yang, Good and Evil, Light and Dark. As an example, if you say the word Happiness, our brain automatically understands the meaning of happiness by filling in the opposite of the spectrum, unhappiness or sadness. Anytime you watch a movie and there’s a Hero, the movie wouldn’t be exciting without a formidable Villain. The greater the light The darker the night – here on Planet Earth, if you can have a 5D or 6D or higher enlightened soul, there will also be a -5D and -6D dark entities, planning and plotting their dark agendas, keeping you in The Matrix, in The Maya or The Illusion. Please keep in mind, there are also negative Starseeds - just like people, there are bad people dedicated to negative forces and energies. If you turn on the news or social media, you will see many of them on there, as politicians, entertainers or CEOs, speaking at the World Economic Forum, trying to convert us into digital avatars, have us get neural implants and microchips, trying to alter our DNA (the transhumanism movement) and convince us we need to conquer Mars for humanity’s survival. So on and so forth. If you practice Discernment and are a seeker of Truth, you will know those agendas are not in humanity’s best interest, nor is it our planet’s way forward. This is why Starseeds are here, to work towards countering Darkness, and restore balance and harmony. I ascribe to the daoist view, spiritually and sociologically - an ideal society is a balanced society. Ultimately, every single one of us Starseeds or Earth souls, are Sovereign Beings - we are here to choose our own adventure, and this also means at any given moment anyone can choose good or evil. Always keep that in mind!
There are different philosophical views whether we are born good, born evil, or born neutral - nature vs. nurture. Which is why we start here on Earth as equals, at least in the spiritual context; there is no hierarchy, no superiority, even if you come from the 11th dimension or you can previously open portals, levitate, teleport or heal others instantly. Those rules and laws don’t quite apply the same as we are mostly bound to Earth’s rules in the 3rd dimension. We all have to find our way back to where we came from. In Greek Mythology, before we reincarnate we cross the Styx River via a Ferryman; the river represents the boundary between Earth/Gaia and the underworld, and crossing the river is the final journey as a deceased, and reincarnating again. In Taoist and Chinese folklore, it is known as The Bridge of Helplessness 奈何橋, where you must cross the bridge before being incarnated as well as drinking the Soup or tea 孟婆湯 - 5 Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness, given to you by 孟婆, which makes you instantly forget your past upon consumption, so you can reincarnate without the burdens of the previous life. In both stories, there’s a “crossing over.” What Starseeds might have that are different is their unique experiences that they’ve lived in other systems and have a unique perspective to any 3rd dimensional issue. They may know or remember a different way, or have an alternate perspective. Some Starseeds can remember past lives and other systems that are very different from our world here. The key is if you are open to accepting that you are a multidimensional being, you too can access the collective unconscious, the Stream, the Life Force, Christ Consciousness - in Final Fantasy 7 they called it the Lifestream or the Spirit Energy - whether you are from Earth or a Starseed, you have access to it! I’ve wondered why the system makes it so hard for us- maybe you’ve wondered about this too: why can’t we just remember our past lives easily? Why do we get one key and have to unlock each puzzle one at a time? This is an analogy for millennials and older, it’s like, inputting the cheat code in DOOM and having all of the guns so you can breeze through the game? If you don’t know that reference, well imagine if you were playing a videogame, what’s the fun in knowing the ending and having all the puzzles solved for you instantly and you get to the big boss, and it doesn’t even put up a fight. That would be a fairly boring video game, wouldn’t it? If you got all the answers at once, what’s the point of this adventure?
If you feel like you may be a starseed, chances are you are. There are ways to find out, through looking inward and meditation, or you can work with a psychic or practitioner like myself to look into your Akashic Records to find out for you. Here are some common characteristics - the feeling of homesickness, like you don’t belong here, everything feels so foreign and you may have adjustment issues or traumas. It’s your classic fish out of water scene - think of Leeloo in the 5th Element (I sure hope most people watched that movie!)! Say you were in a 6D planet where there is no duality, where food and resources are abundant, and you coexist with all kinds of different mystical creatures, and you had absolute freedom to roam around, do whatever you want and there was no need to have a job or work your way up a social or corporate ladder and everyone exists in perfect harmony, filled with only peace and joy. And you come here on Earth where there’s duality as mentioned, you there are different rules and expectations. Like…you have to go to school and be a part of multiple social institutions whether you like it or not, where property ownership/private land exists and you are restricted to where you can go, and you have to get a job and pay your bills. Just imagine - the amount of culture shock and adjustments one would have to make. Other traits may include being highly intuitive, sensitive, love learning,
If you are new to the whole Starseed Paradigm or references, and want to learn about different Starseeds and planets, it can be very interesting or even bizarre, like watching scifi and fantasy movies. And it can seem that way because creatives, story tellers, writers & artists, the ones who created those scifi or fantasy, or seemingly fictional movies, have tapped into or channeled it from the collective unconsciousness (Carl Jung); these stories and visuals - it can be argued it come from different time and space, it’s the same well, the same river, the same Christ Consciousness or Life Force. If you are watching any of this information or reading it for the first time, I do want to say the information you receive are presented in General traits - almost like when you open up an Encyclopedia (like the good old days before the internet) you get a small blurb of general facts, or read your Horoscopes. Some of that information could be helpful for you to know, while other facts may not apply. If that happens it doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to you, because there is no one size fits all - it’s like saying All Humans are Good or All Humans are Evil. We can have one main Starseed origin, or perhaps we’ve traveled through different star systems and acquired other traits that may be significant to us now. It is important to remember that you are currently writing your own chapter of your own story right now, one thought and one action at a time. It may or may not be important to reference your previous chapters - and if you are interested in discovering more, I’d be honored to be the one to help you on your journey.
As mentioned, in addition to helping humanity and Gaia and uplift the collective consciousness, there are other reasons Starseeds may choose to incarnate here, or here again and again. An example is someone may be here to take a break - sometimes they aren’t here to try very hard, and can coast through life - because you are meant to take a break and just enjoy. Doesn’t that sound nice? Other people are here to hone in on a specific skill, master a talent or concept, develop or continue working on a special ability or gift. Then there are others who are here to explore, and bring it back to what they discovered back to their planetary systems. One may choose to learn a special skill set, or experience a different gender or region of the world, or incarnate as an animal, in order to experience and learn something new.
Now that I have given you a general overview of what a Starseed is and how it works, I want to share why I think it is helpful to find out your soul origins or whether you are a starseed or an Earth angel. In my view, the key reason is the comfort in knowing the overarching theme that you had signed up for - identifying what that is might shed light onto why you are here at this time, and perhaps while exploring into your past lives, you can resolve some inexplicable patterns of behavior that will help you live your best life right now. Sharing a silly personal example, when I was a young child, like early grade school, I have often wondered why it is so inconvenient to use a restroom as a little girl - I would rather not have to squat or sit on public toilets - oh it would be so convenient to just stand, and not deal with having periods. I had confirmed in my akashic records that the last time I came around on Gaia, I was indeed a man, I was very politically active and did a lot of writing, around 16th century-17th Europe. Knowing this did help me feel more present in my body as a woman, and accept the contrast, if that makes sense. Another reason why you may want to know your soul origins is it might also be helpful at identifying the root of fears and triggers - perhaps your past experiences are affecting some of your current ones. It can broaden your perspectives, and shed new light on behavioral patterns that can empower you or confirm some of your goals and intentions for the future. Ultimately, exploring your starseed or soul origin is one way to look inwards and work on yourself. It falls under the healing modality that addresses mind, body & soul or spirit. I hope this video/blog piqued your interest and perhaps you learned something new or interesting! Thank you for watching/reading! Do you identify as a Starseed? If so, where are you from and where do you resonate most with? I'd love to know! Can you guess my starseed origin? :D I also notice this weird pink reflection on my face that I didn't have in person while filming! I have to figure out what's causing that....! Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments !Let me know in the comments what you think as I’d love to know your thoughts! Until next time!