đŸȘ„Creative Journaling: Practical Steps to Manifestation ✹💎

The Back Story

This content was featured in my Dec 2024 Newsletter that I’ve decided to share as a blog as well! :) My monthly newsletters also feature a short channeled message, which I’ve omitted here. But not to worry - if you would like to receive my newsletter, you can go here to sign up at the top, and receive a warm welcome message as well as a Guided Dragon Activation & Meditation :) On occasion, like this one, the newsletter content will contain content I plan to release in video format at a later date, but I try not to have too many overlaps! The short channeled messages are the only thing that’s exclusive to the Newsletter, except for January 2025 which has information for the 2025 year and so it was first released in the newsletter, and then later on Youtube!

In Dec 2024, I have been pretty much moving for the past 2 months - moving in Japan is incredibly complicated, and I’m beyond grateful that I can stay in my new home that we custom built for the next decade without any worries (knock on wood)!  I have to pinch myself that I’m finally here - it took at least 6 years if not 8 years to try to get here, but I’m here, reporting at my next job “post,” excited to start anew!

During these past 2 months, I had so many content ideas I wanted to work on, but I couldn’t with our moving tasks. On my break between unpacking, I decided I would like to take a moment for myself and plan my 2025. I usually do *some* kind of intention-setting or goal-setting one way or another - I don’t always do it the same time of the year (ie: as a student, I did it right before the fall semester starts; as a freelance makeup & hair artist, I sometimes picked a time after February and before April before the following tax cycle to evaluate my goals. I recognize January 1st is not the start of the New Year for many cultures, so there is no pressure to go by this specific date as the ‘new year!’

To make a longer story short, I saw this beautiful Moon inspired “Tsuki” notebook on Notebook Therapy - it showed up on my ad algorithm, and I happened to want to re-start bullet journaling/creative journaling back in 2024, but because I live in Japan, the notebook arrived middle of February. At the time, I didn’t feel like starting a notebook in February for some reason, so I saved this notebook for 2025! I had pasted over the 2024 lunar cycle page with a random 2025 lunar cycle spread I found on the internet, completely forgetting there’s a time zone difference to the New Moon and Full Moon Dates! Oops!

This is what inspired me to make these 3 reels on Instagram and made it the theme of my newsletter - “Creative Journaling: Practical Steps to Manifesting (your highest 5D Timeline)”

I will preface that Creative Journaling is merely one method you can ‘manifest your dream life’ - it is not the only way, but my hope is to share a practical tool that may inspire you to create something for yourself that works best for you! My ultimate goal is to convey that anyone can do this; I don’t believe I’m anyone special - if I can do it, you can too! It’s just often easier said than done because achieving our goals, hopes and dreams, requires us to take practical steps & aligned action.

I feel that it is important to talk about manifestation, and 5D life attainment without spiritual bypassing or emotional bypassing way! What I mean by that is, we need to take care of ourselves in the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm in a balanced way, find that middle road, the line that traverses in the middle of the yin/yang symbol, which is that beautiful and sweet spot: when people in the spiritual community identify as living in the “5D,” the heaven on earth, that’s the spot that we aspire to remain in!

Creative Planning & Manifesting ⚡A Lighting Tutorial

If you prefer to get the gist via my short reels, here is Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3, they are 2-3 minute videos each where I rapidly introduce each concept - feel free to watch instead :) But for those who may prefer to read or skim the information, here it is!

Optional Background Music while reading this newsletter: Bjork “It’s not up to you” from her album Vespertine.

Why do I use journaling or bullet journaling to manifest my goals? I find the act of writing down on paper an irreplaceable form of alchemical magic because you had a thought, and then the act of writing it down, your thought is reified or made real on the paper, bringing it forth into our reality. It’s also proven that when you write something down, you are more likely to remember it, so if you are using a physical planner, it does have that added bonus of memory assistance!  And! You can look back, like I did, and go “wow! This is something I wanted 6 years ago, and now I am here today!” And it feels good!

Don’t get caught up with how it looks! I did feel a bit self-conscious uploading everything online. I’m counting on nobody zooming in at my personal goals, reading each line and judging me! Hahahaha
But as a recovering perfectionist, any little mistakes I make on the paper do bother me, but I’m actively training myself to ignore it. Because too much time is wasted on focusing on how it looks vs. how well it functions. (Ain’t that a general problem we have in our society
!). Use a notebook you have, or a notebook you like and want to open often if not daily. Use a pen you like. Use any pen. Just start writing it down :)

A Personal Mantra is a type of affirmation. You can create one that makes the most sense to you, or you can skip it! It took me a while to decide on this one, and “I am a creative genius” was suggested to me in the past by a counselor as an affirmation ;) I did not want to get caught up with my calligraphy limitations - I just wanted to put my best foot forward and get it on paper. The reason why I did it in this script is because it’s a form of meditation for me.  To write it like this in a calligraphy pen, I need absolute concentration, and so it’s my way of treating my mantra solemnly. I’m just glad I didn’t misspell anything, which is often the case when I’m trying to write in any gothic script. This is 100% a personal choice!  The Key on the left is a bullet journal thing - since it’s been a little while since I bullet journaled (Dec of 2019 to be exact!) I want to make sure I stay with a system so I copied this from my old journal. Also completely optional.

In the beginning of 2023 and 2024, I have uploaded my videos of setting intentions and evaluating how I did with accountability :) This year I am bringing back what I did for 2019 after being inspired by Bullet Journal Content Creator Amanda Rache Lee and her Intentions page in 2019 I decided I liked it and wanted to bring it back for 2025!  I separated it into these categoris: Personal, Marriage, Work, Fitness, Finance, Travel & Leisure.  If this is TOO MANY categories, I would stick to a simple page, with 3-5 intentions. That’s how I did it in 2023 and 2024 - and I have to say I really did what I set out to do! This year instead of making another reflection/intention video as previous years, I decided to do a “2024 Thank you” as below!

I wrote down the intentions I set out in 2024, and I briefly evaluated how I did. I was hoping to make 16-18 youtube videos, but I actually pivoted by trying out reels and tiktok as well just to see how I would feel about it. In the end I find myself enjoying the short form, but for some videos, I prefer long form - I digress - this is but one example how to reflect and evaluate. I wanted a dedicated page to jot down some of the amazing things that happened this past year or period!  I find doing so puts my mind back into abundance mode.  Gratitude and Abundance is the key to Manifesting everything you want. I like having a physical journal because it puts my mind right back into that mindset just by reviewing what I wrote down.  

A simple tracker is what I decided on for my accountability.  If you don’t have any way to measure your goals, it is hard to keep track whether you have made any progress. If you do a search on how to “gamify” your life, there are many suggestions on assigning ‘points.’ That’s a little too complicated for me, but if it’s fun and motivating for you, go for it! I decided I will evaluate at the end of each season or on a quarterly basis: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.  And I will have a little bar graph colored in, so I can visually see how I did on each area of my intentions.  Rome was not built in a day, and when you don’t have a system to measure accountability and progress, it’s hard to know or remember sometimes; time goes by year after year, and you may have made more progress than you think! I find a simple visual helpful for me as I go along the year.

If I have appointments and bookings and client calls, it’s already on my digital calendar, I don’t need to add those reminders, but this paper Life Menu is to fight any kind of overwhelm that may pop-up. Here I have Self-Care Menu - divided in these categories: Body, Space, Digital, Soul, and I have Time Blocks during the week when I may need help deciding what to do with my free time. I especially like the one for weekends and days off - I have a split between tasks I could choose to do if I have 🔋high energy vs.đŸȘ«low energy.  Then I made a good morning and good evening routine, and a cleaning list to remind me what needs cleaning.  This way I can do all the thinking once on paper for the year, and just pick from the menu when I have time to do the tasks, so it doesn’t feel as overwhelming. I said in my video, I’m going to try this, and see how it goes!

Why did I select Bjork’s song “It’s not up to you” as a background music when it seems like my message is about “Yes you can do it!” and then I have Bjork singing:

“I can decide what I give
But it's not up to me
What I get given
Unthinkable surprises about to happen
But what they are

It's not up to you, well, it never really was”

I wanted to highlight that we have control over what we put out (our intentions, journaling, goals, actions), but the other part about manifesting is we don’t have precise control about WHEN, or HOW it comes to us, but it will come, somehow, and that’s the funny thing about Faith and Belief.  

We chose our adventure here - we lined up for this rollercoaster.  We are here for the thrills - but until we are actually riding that rollercoaster, we don’t know how we are going to feel, or if we have a new wish or desire as we are riding it.  


2025 Year of the Wood Snake: Archetypes, Symbolism & channeled messages