✨Lyrans Starseeds: Traits, Culture, and Lyran Starseed Celebrities ✨

Today I’ll be talking about starseeds from Lyra or Lyrans! Per usual, if you prefer to watch the content instead, please click through to my youtube video below, but if you want to read instead, this is the place to be!

I was curious and took a peek at Youtube and Tiktok and wowza - there are a lot of information out there about Lyrans!  I checked some of them and I was like hmmm I’m not sure if that is true - I’m not here to judge, or emphasize that my info is the only truth! But as always, please take what resonates with you, and leave out the rest.  To start, think of Humans - and the great diversity we have here from not just appearance (skin color eye color hair texture, height and build), to preferences in habitat, belief systems. With that said, as a Lyran myself, I will share based on spending my 7000 lifetimes as a Lyran in Lyra, my Akashic Records, and everything I am sharing here is what I had checked and confirmed myself in the Akashic Records with my pendulum, so here it goes!  

Lyrans are an old & ancient galactic system and race. It is not the oldest, but one of the oldest.  This is why I’m personally not a fan of the term New Age because this assumes that it was ‘new’ or in the last century - but it’s quite the opposite actually!  

Lyrans seeded human blueprints and DNA.

Lyrans helped create our reality as we know it. Not just here on Earth, but they also helped create the other star systems - including but not limited setting up planetary logos in various galaxies. This is why Lyrans are referred as the WiseOnes, the Ancient Ones and the Wisdom Keepers.  

Lyrans generally take the form of Dragons, Felines, Feline-Humanoid, Avians/Bird-like or Avian-Humanoid, but I would describe them as Human-like Angelic or higher dimensional beings. All shapes, sizes, colors & patterns.  Some choose to stay in one form, whereas others, can switch from Dragon to Human, Feline to Human, Avian to Human and back at their will.

I have generated this gallery using AI for my Lyran video and blog. If you like to use them, please kindly give me credit (Liz Chang @ Athena’s Garden). I had a lot of fun here, to try to recreate what I got in the Akashic Records, and try to bring forth the images to the best of my ability :) Or I hope it inspires you to create your own images using AI tools!

Lyrans are generally 5th to 9th dimensional beings.  In my system I use 12 dimensions - we are here on the 3rd dimension, 4th is astral plane.  5th and above is higher dimensional beings and consciousness.  The ones that take on physical form are generally between the 5th and 7th, and that’s also majority and only a few of them are on the 8th and 9th dimension.

They do have advanced technology - but as to spaceships, no.  They or should I say We, prefer to go through Portals instead; Lyrans are more heart-centered beings, and so they are not huge fans of vehicles, especially if they themselves have capability of teleporting, flying, or running instead.  Do they ride spaceships sometimes, sure. It’s just like us riding cars, vs those who worship cars and enjoy driving everywhere.

Culturally, they are very into the finer things in life - Art, Music, Theater, Dance, Fine Dining, Performances, Poetry, and Literature with Museums & art galleries.

In our Earth timeline, Lyrans would most enjoy cultures like Ancient Egypt & Greece, The Golden Ages of Islam, India and East Asia, to name a few. The European Renaissance, in which they have actively partaken in.  A few modern-day cities that could represent what may attracts Lyrans could be Paris, Dubai, London, Shanghai, New York, Tokyo.  I think Los Angeles only for the stages to perform, and do their thing.  But living and hanging out, probably not the one.  

Lyrans enjoy adorning and expressing themselves through various art forms.  They do have commerce, but not the same way here - there are beautiful shops, where artists and craftsman are selling their art creations. I feel is that it’s a little bit more like art collection, for your enjoyment vs. buying into branding, if that makes sense.

Lyrans have spiritual practices, beautiful crystalline temples, and priests and high priestesses that were like counselors and teachers, but it’s not the same rigorous form as organized religion here, where we are dedicated to a specific god, but almost like dedicated to Oneness, and blessings for the universe. What I got was a lot of heart-centered gatherings, ceremonies and rituals led by high priestesses/high priests are meant to uplift the community who attended, but also practiced to strengthen the grid uplift the energy of the universe.

Of course I have to talk about the name - Lyra derived from Lyre which is the ancient instrument that looks like a mini-harp.  I did play the harp as a kid until my mid teenager years, and so I curiously consulted the Akashic Records, do many harpists here on Earth also happen to be Lyran? Not all, but a large percentage who like the instrument and choose the harp, are Lyrans. But also many people in the entertainment industry, musicians, actors, chefs, writers, and content creators, might be too.  Playing the instruments or when we are working on our creative crafts, it allows us to tap into Source and flow as One.

As humans, Lyrans may or may not have cat-like looks, but a piercing gaze because of the old-souledness, wisdom coming through hahaha maybe.  But an air of mystery that’s for sure.  They are not the ones you meet and go: Oh you’re an open book!  More often than not, when you meet a Lyran, you may feel like you can’t tell what you are thinking about. With such a strong affinity for the arts, they can also assume different roles, easily, so as you can imagine that’s why many performers and artists are Lyrans.

This is my original list of public figures currently active or in recent history that are Lyran.  Just to clarify, I did not access their personal akashic records, but because they are public figures, they have a profile in the records that I can access through Mother Gaia, think of what I’m reading as a telephone book listing, or the Wikipedia Page equivalent of their records.  All I did was go in, and gain permission to read their public records, and ask whether they are Lyran or not!  The GateKeeprs know that I’m sharing this for educational and educational purposes if you will, and this me sharing this with you, won’t change anything - they will keep doing their thing! I hope that makes sense!  

Here is a few that I suspected are Lyrans that I have checked in the Records.

Tina Turner 

Anne Hathaway

Kate Bosworth

Taylor Swift 

Anthony Hopkins

Nikola Tesla


Adam Driver

Keanu Reeves

There were a few that I thought might be Lyran like Freddie Mercury, but he was not!  

Again when talking about Starseeds, it’s not one size does not fit all - it’s like are all humans the same, no.  Are all cats the same, no.  But if I were in Lyra right now and describe what humans are like, I’m sure I can come up with a list that would do humans justice if I’m describing it to a Starseed who never been to Earth. Also, the list I provided and the traits I describe, you don’t have to relate to any of these people or the traits I mentioned here to be Lyran. 

Lyrans tend to be old souls, and they can be very independent, and passionate about their craft and what they are working on, whether it’s art or science or technology.  Lyrans and other Starseeds and lightworkers are out there in many fields, not just the entertainment business, in medicine like dermatology, or in the labs improving our medical technology, real estate, other entrepreneurial roles, different leadership, maybe even military - or maybe makeup and hair artists - they are doing their thing, their craft while weaving their light codes into their work, bringing love & light to you in many ways. Old souls also like history, culture, museums, different languages, diving deep, investigating into a topic that really interest them. Going back to the harp, I feel that it’s like an classical instrument, and a bit hard core. Like right up Lyran’s alley. Look at some of the roles the actors and performers have chosen - they are not easy roles to play.  And if you notice - they like to reinvent themselves, challenge themselves to a harder role.  

As I’ve dropped hints that I am Lyran and so as challenging it is to try to ‘summarize’ a whole Starseed group, I wanted to make this video because you may know a Lyran, you may be a Lyran, and it may be comforting to know that other Lyrans are here.  We are here for many different reasons, visions and missions, and whatever your unique mission is, just know that you can connect with other Lyrans and Starseeds.  If you may want to discover your Starseed Origin and may be interested in an Akashic Records reading, I have more info on the website which I will link below! 

Thanks for watching or reading!  If you found my video or blog interesting, a little education and hopefully entertaining, please give it a like and share with me in the comments or consider subscribing to my channel and or my monhtly newsletter! I’d love to know what you think!  Thank you & see you in my next video, newsletter or blogpost :)


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