🌟Connect with your Spirit Guide(s)! 3 Practical Tips💎
Have you ever tried to connect with your higher self or your Spirit Guides? You may be comfortable thinking about them as your Guardian Angels, or your ancestors coming back to watch over you and protect you, or other Spirit Animals or Guides, maybe Angels and Ascended Masters who are there to assist you.
For many years, I wish I could see Them or sense them or have a CLEAR signal that they are there. And this desire has to do with the programming we have about Materialism - our current society is so concerned about having material proof, like scientific verifiable data in order for something to be considered real and this is unfortunately at odds when it comes to spirituality and metaphysical realms. And I’m subject to the same programming! I wanted to hear a clear voice, and see a clear vision as well!
When I was finally shown what my dragons looked like when I received an Akashic Records reading, through the reader’s Clairvoyance, I could use my claircognizance sync up and access clairvoyance. And I was honestly surprised. Like wow, my elemental dragon guides showed up like the characters in Ray Earth Magic Knight by Clamp (please see below images! All Rights Reserve to Clamp). And yes! the comic book and anime I liked as a kid. And my main Guide, who is also my Akashic Record Keeper, is Metatron but he showed up to me as another comic book character I’m familiar with - and the reason for this is it helped me quickly understand who they are, and their energy signature. So do not be surprised - they can sometimes appear in a form that makes the most sense to you - and only you can understand the deeper connection.
For some people they may see their Grandmother or Grandfather, but you can think of them as your ancestor or it could be, your spirit guides choosing that form to appear in front of you so that you can immediately feel at ease.
When trying to connect with your spirit guides, try to keep an open mind as to what signals or images comes up, even if it’s an anime character. Don’t judge what comes up, and at the end of the day, only you can understand the deeper symbolic meaning.
Here are 3 tips to help you connect to your spirit guide or higher self:
Have a meditation practice where you calm your senses. It’s cool if you can sit still in a meditation mat or a chair - if that works for you. For me, I need to be in a bathtub when I meditate. I also like walking meditations. For some people, it’s dance or yoga. Or using a guided meditation audio clip to help. It can be short, it can be an hour long, just find the method that works for you. Because you need to practice calming your mind, in order to receive and perceive.
Just ask! Start with Gratitude - Thank them for their guidance and wisdom, and ask them to show themselves to you. I love you, I am so grateful that you are here with me. Please Show me. Please Tell me. Please Give me a clear sign. One way is right before you go to sleep, you can write down in a journal: I would like to meet my spirit guide. Please show me.
Pay attention to these signals. They may be subtle. It is best to do it without any substances in your system. You may find that after you ask, you start seeing angel numbers like 333,555,11:11 everywhere. Don’t ignore them even if you may not know what the message is. Just say hello and thank you, because more will come through once you do that.
I hope this short and sweet video & blog can help you in any way. Sometimes it’s not so serious! My guides have a great sense of humor :) As you can probably tell by the comic book/anime characters!